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Welcome to Year 5, Eclipse Class at Shalfleet Primary

We welcome you and your child to year 5. The purpose of this is to give you an understanding of our current routines and some of the expectations within the classroom.

Staff – The teachers for Comet class are:  

Miss Isaac – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Mrs Cuff- Thursday.

Please see below for key information.

Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.

This years class charity is WaterAid

Autumn 1

Yarmouth Geography Field Trip / Planetarium Visit

Autumn 2

Winchester Science Museum Trip

Spring 1

Inspirational Winter Walk

Spring 2

Estelle Baker – Anglo Saxons Talk and Inspire Day

Viking Long Boat Challenge Day – Parents invited in

Summer 1

American Day – Parents invited in

Summer 2

Yarmouth Tourism Visit Day

Alum Bay to Freshwater Bay Geography Trip

Tapnell Aqua Park

AM & PM Routines

Early morning routine – Drop off time is now open from 8.10 and will close at 8.25.

End of day routine –Siblings are to be collected from 15:15 and singles from 15:25. Please see the letter regarding Independent leaving. We will bring the children to the gate for pick up, unless they are participating in an afterschool club or leaving independently. Please ensure that you notify the school if you have any changes.

Toys & Belongings

Please can you make sure that your child does not bring in any toys to school. We will provide writing equipment but the children are welcome to bring their own pencil cases.

PE & Outdoor Learning

Our class will have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday, so please make sure they wear P.E kit on these days. The children can leave their outdoor learning kit in their lockers.


We will be doing various reading activities every day, and therefore please make sure that the children always have their books in their reading bags in school. In addition to this, we will have a class text that all of the children will access together. These books have been carefully chosen in line with Hampshire guidance and the comprehension questions/writing tasks will be adjusted to suit your child’s reading ability.

Food & Drink

Fruit time – The children can bring a piece of fruit to eat during morning play.

Drinks – Each child will need to bring in a water bottle to drink throughout the day. They can be left under the tables for the children to use freely during the day.


We ask that you regularly check that all clothing is named, including their PE kit, and that all children are provided with a hat in hot weather, and a coat when it is cold or wet.  We like to get the children out at playtime every day, even in light rain!


Spelling homework will be sent home on a Monday and we would ask that you encourage your child to learn their words (please practice the words in a style that suits your child). Their homework needs to be handed in on the following Monday morning and then these words will be tested that morning.

Please encourage your child to read at home. I will not send home a reading record book as it puts more pressure on you as parents to fill it in!

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