Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Welcome to Year 2, Sky Class at Shalfleet Primary

I want to warmly welcome you all to Year 2, we will be busy and we will have lots of fun!

Staff – I am Mrs Thompson, the class teacher for Sky Class. Teaching assistant support will be provided by the wonderful Miss Cowdrey. The children will also have Mrs Cuff who will be taking the class on a Monday as I have my PPA and Leadership time.
The children will have Forest School on a Monday morning and will continue to be led by Miss Gates (waterproofs and wellies for the weather please), Our P.E. sessions will be on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday morning with our Sports Coach, Mr Pilcher and myself.

Please see below for key information.

Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.

This years class charity is The Donkey Sanctuary

Autumn 1

Autumn local walk

Fort Victoria Yarmouth Visit

Autumn 2

Christmas Castle Creations

Spring 1

Around the World cooking

Visit from Chef

Spring 2

Victorian Day – Parents invited in

Summer 1

Osbourne House Trip

Summer 2

Marwell Zoo Trip

AM & PM Routine

Early morning routine – As you know we have the drop off scheme and the gates open at 8.10 until 8.25am. The children need to be in school by 8.30am when we will register them. As the children arrive in the morning, there are early morning work for them to complete which are linked to English and Maths.

End of the day routine – The day ends for the children at 3:05pm and you can collect your child using the pick up scheme at 3.05pm for singles and 3.15pm for siblings.


 Please label your child’s uniform and P.E kit clearly and ensure they have appropriate clothing for our changeable weather. We will be outside rain or shine!


 Our PE lessons will take place on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. On these days, children should attend school in their P.E. kits. When the colder and wetter weather arrives please could all children be provided with jogging bottoms as P.E. will continue outside even in colder weather.


We will send spellings, English and/or Maths activities home in a homework book once we are settled into our routines. Much more information will be available when we begin.

Food & Drink

Fruit and drinks – We will provide a piece of fruit or a healthy snack for morning break time. Each child will need to bring in a named water bottle to drink throughout the day. Water bottles will be easily accessible in the class room and the children are given lots of opportunities to have a drink throughout the day.
Lunchboxes – These will be stored together the classroom. Please remember we are a nut free school and operate a Healthy Lunchbox policy.


Each child has been given a reading record so that any reading done at home or school can be logged. Even 5 minutes at home each day makes a huge difference. It does not necessarily have to be their school reading book that they read at home. Any book they read can be recorded in their reading record. If a child reads at home then they can earn a dojo to go towards their dojo point prize. We have a fantastic library here, as well as many lovely books in our classroom for children to enjoy. We hope to be able to visit the school library on a regular basis for the children to enjoy more books at home.

Class Dojo

This is how we will give you any important information and how you can keep in touch with us if you have any concerns or wish to celebrate something your child has done. Please do send me a message. I will reply as soon as I can.

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