Shalfleet (01983) 760269 - Freshwater & Yarmouth (01983) 760345
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Morning Routine

Children are entitled to 32.5 hours per week in school equating to 6.5 hours per day.

At Freshwater, the school gates will open at 8.25am and close promptly at 8.30am. Children arriving after this time will need to report to the school main office to sign in.

Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will drop off and pick up from the main school gate near the main front entrance.

Children in Little Stars Pre-School and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will drop off and pick up from the rear side gate.

We expect parents/carers to stay with the children until a member of staff comes to collect them.

Once your child has arrived at school and the register has been called we check to make sure that all external doors are unable to be opened from the outside. Main access to the school is then via the doors signposted Reception where the school office manage enquiries.

Times of the Day

8.25am – Pupils met at the school gates

8.30am – Registration

8.35am – Lessons start

10.00am-10.45am – Staggered break times 

11.40am-1.00pm – Staggered lunch times

1.35pm-2.05pm – Staggered break times

3.00pm – School finishes 

Breakfast Club

The school offers an early morning drop-off from 8-8.15am onwards. This must be booked ahead of time via Scopay/Tucasi. After the Easter Holidays 2023 we will be introducing a nominal fee of 50p per day for the Morning Club at Freshwater to cover staffing costs. Please park off site and walk to the school unless you are a blue badge holder. Please sign your child in at the main school entrance.

After School Club

The school offers an After School Club until 4pm. This must be booked ahead of time via Scopay.

This facility is £4.50 per hour.

Break and Lunch times

The school runs staggered break and luncch times. For details please see – Freshwater & Yarmouth Break and Lunch Rota


At home time, the front gates will be opened at 2.55pm for Year R then Year 1 & 2 will leave at 3.00pm. At 3.00pm the rear side gate will be opened for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Independant Leavers

If your child is in Year 5 or Year 6 and you wish them to be an independant leaver, please can you contact the school office where they will provide you with the relevant consent paperwork.

Please inform the school office by 2.30pm at the latest if there any any changes to the pick up arrangements for your child.


We do ask you to ensure that your child is at school for our prompt start to the day at 08:30 as this will help your child to establish a routine that should stay with them throughout their school life.  Any child entering school after registration must be taken to the school office. Please contact the school as soon as possible if your child is unwell (there is somebody on the premises from 08:00 each morning).  If we have not heard from you by 09:15 we will ring you to check the reason for absence as all absences, including late arrivals to school, have to be marked on your child’s record.

Research has shown that there is a direct link between attendance and attainment and this has led to government policy strongly discouraging time away from school where this is avoidable. Our attendance target which is 96%.


Parents/carers are welcome to attend any of our Friday Collective Worships.  Collective Worships alternate between ‘Sharing’ and ‘Celebration’, for ‘Sharing’ Worship the nominated class share with the school and parents recent work they have undertaken.  During ‘Celebration’ Worship children will receive awards and certificates.  Birthdays and our ‘golden book’ will be celebrated weekly.  The first Friday of each school year includes an extra special Collective Worship, to which all are invited, where we ask God’s blessing on our school in the year ahead.


We provide regular small activities for you to do at home together. The length and nature of the activity will depend on the age or stage of your child, however a rough idea of the amount of time spent per week is:-

 Key Stage 1      –           1 hour
 Key Stage 2      –           1.5 hours

On top of this we encourage your child to read on a daily basis. At times throughout the year children may be given “home learning” tasks, that extend over time and support the topic challenges. Our ‘topics’ encourage children, enabling them to work at something beyond the school day and then share learning and skills with other learners in school.


We create an atmosphere where the school community, parents/carers, children, members of staff, and the wider community, feels welcomed and valued.  We have an expectation that everyone in our school community will be treated and will treat others with respect and consideration.  We have high expectations, and we promote the development of self-discipline and self esteem by:

  • providing good role models
  • promoting an environment of encouragement and praise
  • helping children to develop a respect for authority

Positive praise and encouragement underpins all that we do in school. We instill in pupils that they alone are responsible for their choices and as a result of such choices there can be consequences.

Our “Golden Rules”, which are shared and known by all the children, teaching and support staff, sum up and re-enforce our approach to behavior.



Be gentle

Be kind and helpful

Be honest

Work hard

Look after property

Listen to people

Hurt anyone

Hurt people’s feelings

Cover up the truth

Waste time

Waste or damage things


Along with our Dojo reward system we also have a special book called a ‘Golden Book’.  Here records of children’s ‘golden behaviour’ are kept and celebrated with the whole school at our special Celebration Collective Worship.

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