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  Welcome to Year 5, Solent Class at Freshwater & Yarmouth Primary

Welcome to Solent Class 2023-24. Here are a few important bits of information for the year ahead.

Staff – In Solent Class, Mrs Mowle teaches on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Mrs Gulliver will be teaching the class every Thursday this year. We are also lucky to have Miss Bristow and Mrs Draper every morning as well as Mr McCarty in the afternoons.

Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.

This years class charity is Foodbank

Autumn 1

Yarmouth Geography Field Trip

Autumn 2

Winchester Science Museum Trip

Spring 1

Inspirational Winter Walk

Spring 2

Estelle Baker – Anglo Saxon Day

Viking Long Boat Challenge Day – Parents invited in

Summer 1

American Day – Parents invited in

Summer 2

Yarmouth Tourism Visit Day

Freshwater Bay Geography Trip

Tapnell Aqua Park

AM & PM Routines

Start and end of day – The school day begins at 8.25am and ends at 3pm. In year 5, the children have the opportunity to become an independent leaver if you wish. We will need a form signed to be able to allow them to do this. If someone is collecting your child for you, please make sure you have notified the office of this arrangement. Thank You.


Uniform – I ask that you regularly check that all clothing is clearly labelled, especially jumpers and coats, including P.E. kit, and that all children are provided with a hat in hot weather, and a coat when it is cold or wet. 

PE & Outdoor Learning

PE and Forest School – We will be doing PE with Mr Westhorpe on Tuesday afternoons and with Mrs Mowle on a Wednesday. The children are welcome to come to school wearing their kit so they do not need to change here. For health and safety requirements, please ensure your child can either remove their earrings, or provide them with surgical tape to cover them. In addition, we have Forest School lessons on a Wednesday. During the colder months, they will need wellies and waterproofs for these days.

Food & Drink

Drinks and snacks – Please can your child bring in a named water bottle to drink throughout the day. These will be fully accessible in the classroom at all times. It can feel a long time between breakfast and lunch so we encourage the children to bring in a fruit snack to have during their morning break time.


Reading – Reading is such an important skill and it opens up a whole new world for your children. We will hear your child read in groups or individually as often as we can. To support your child, we ask that you listen to them read as often as possible at home and question them on the text. Please record every time you listen to your child read, or they read to themselves, in their reading record. This really does make a huge difference and we are so grateful for your support in this way.


Homework – Each term your child will be sent home with an optional topic related homework task. This will help develop their independent working skills as well as support the work we do in class. Spelling homework will be sent home on a Monday and these will be tested on Friday. Maths homework will be in the form of times tables which should be practised for a minimum of 25 minutes per week. 

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