Welcome to Year 5, Solent Class at Freshwater & Yarmouth Primary
Welcome to Solent Class 2024-25. Here are a few important bits of information for the year ahead.
Staff – I (Miss Whitehead) will be the key teacher for Year 5 and will be teaching the class every day. Teaching assistant support every morning will be provided by Miss Chiverton. Forest School on a Tuesday will be led by Miss Gates but only during Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2. P.E. on a Tuesday will be led by Mr Westhorpe and on Wednesday with Mr Westhorpe and myself. Finally, PSHE will be taught by Mrs Smith in Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1.
Click to download the following planning documents

Miss Whitehead
Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.
This years class charity is WaterAid
Autumn 1
Yarmouth Geography Fieldwork – Tourism Winter/Summer comparison Part1
Yarmouth Planetarium Visit
Autumn 2
Winchester Science Museum Trip
Spring 1
Inspirational Winter Walk
Spring 2
Estelle Baker – Anglo Saxon Day
Viking Long Boat Challenge Day – Parents invited in
Summer 1
American Day – Parents invited in
Alum Bay/Freshwater Bay Geography Fieldwork Trip
Summer 2
Yarmouth Geography Fieldwork – Tourism Winter/Summer comparison Part2
Tapnell Aqua Park
AM & PM Routines
Early morning routine – the school gates open at 8.20 and children will be welcomed into class. From here, the children will organise their things and come into the classroom where they will complete morning tasks linked with Maths or English followed by quiet reading time while the register is taken. Registration closes at 8.40. The morning work is very important so please make sure children arrive in time to complete it.
End of the day routine– The day ends for the children at 3.05pm. After FYT bus children have been collected I will dismiss the rest of the class from the back gate.
Uniform – I ask that you regularly check that all clothing is clearly labelled, especially jumpers and coats, including P.E. kit, and that all children are provided with a hat in hot weather, and a coat when it is cold or wet. It’s important to get the children out at playtime every day, even in light rain.
PE & Outdoor Learning
P.E. and Forest School – Our PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On these days, children should attend school in their P.E. kits. Please could all children be provided with some jogging bottoms in the winter, as P.E. will continue even when the weather has turned colder.
Forest school will be on a Tuesday afternoon as detailed above. Children should have their wellies and waterproofs at school ready for this session every week.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo – This is a really useful way to communicate with each other about important news and events, as well as an easy way for you to contact me with any worries or questions you may have. I will also post photos and videos onto Class Dojo so you can see the work your child is completing in school. I will do my best to respond to messages as soon as I can.
Food & Drink
Fruit – Your child can bring a piece of fruit/snack for their morning break time.
Drinks – Each child will need to bring in a named water bottle to drink throughout the day. Water bottles will be easily accessible in the class room.
Lunchboxes – These will be stored on the storage unit just inside the classroom.
Reading – Each child will be given a reading record so that any reading done at home or school can be logged. Even 5 minutes at home each day makes a huge difference. These books are mainly for home reading, as we will be studying quality texts together as a class. We have a fantastic library here, as well as a mini version in our classroom for children to enjoy during quiet reading time.
Homework – It is expected that children read at home at least 3 times a week. Even 5-minute daily bursts make a huge difference. Children should also access Times Table Rock Stars and practise for at least 25 minutes spread-out over the week. If you need a reminder of your child’s username and password please let me know. There will be weekly spelling tests for sets of words. Finally, a Topic homework will be set during the topic and will have tasks related to the topic included.
All the due in dates will also be included on this sheet. All homework carries the same expectations as their school work. Neat handwriting and careful presentation are a must. Children should take pride in their work and look forward to showing off their achievements. If you have any questions/concerns about homework, please do let me know.