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Welcome to Year 1, Sunshine Class at Shalfleet Primary

We welcome you and your child to Sunshine class. This letter is to let you know about some of our routines.

Staff – I (Miss Knight) am the teacher for Year 1 Sunshine class supported by our LSA Mrs Swift. Mrs Brett- Hill will be teaching on Fridays.

Please see below for key information.

Please find below information on this years planned events/trips – please note these may be subject to change.

This years class charity is RNLI – Lifeboat

Autumn 1

Local area walk – Beach walk art activity

Autumn 2

Christmas production with Y2 – Parents invited in

Spring 1

Medical Professional visit

Spring 2

Butterfly World Trip

Summer 1

Safer Oceans Day – Parents invited in

Local theme park trip

Summer 2

Mainland Trip

AM & PM Routines

Early morning routine – Your child can come into school between 8.10am and 8.25am with their bookbag and lunchbox if having packed lunches. Please let your child become independent in looking after their own belongings and letting them walk to the classroom on their own or with an older sibling. The register is called in class at 08:30 and closes promptly at 8.40am.

End of day routine – The day ends for the children at 3.05pm. Pick up being 3.05pm for singles and 3.15pm for siblings. You can pick up your child from the Pavilion


We ask that you regularly check that all clothing is clearly labelled, especially jumpers and coats, including their PE kit, and that all children are provided with a hat in hot weather, and a coat when it is cold or wet. We like to get the children out at playtime everyday, even in light rain! When we go out of school on class trips, the children have a school hat that is provided for that day for easy identification.

PE & Outdoor Learning


Our class will have 2 PE lessons each week on a Monday and Tuesday, so please make sure they come to school in their PE kits on these days. We only have a very small amount of spare kit for anyone to use.

Forest school

Forest school will be on a Monday morning so please send your child in in their school uniform and outdoor/wet weather clothing. Trainers to be worn and wellies to be brought in, in a bag each Monday. Wellies can be left in school if preferred.


Homework – To be sent out in the Spring Term.

Maths – For Year 1 the initial focus will be on the place value and number bonds. This is an important skill to become fluent in as it will improve their mental calculations throughout their time at school.

Spelling – Children will focus on practicing and learning phonics/spellings for homework.

Food & Drink

Fruit time

The children can have a piece of fruit at break-time during the morning, generally straight after morning play. As part of the Government’s scheme, the children are given a free piece of fruit each day, or they are welcome to bring a piece of fruit from home.


Each child will need to bring in a named water bottle to drink throughout the day. We request a sports bottle with a pop up top to prevent spills.


These are stored in the classroom, however you are welcome to take advantage of the free school dinners in KS1.



We will be doing various reading activities every day, therefore please make sure that the children always have their books in their reading bags in school. Every child will continue with their reading record, and it is helpful if you can write in it each time you read with your child, and adults at school will do the same to keep you informed of your child’s progress. Please be aware that sometimes the children will repeat pages and we may not necessarily change a book each time they get to the end, as we have to make sure of their understanding of the story and the characters in the book. We will move them on to another book when we are confident they are ready. Each morning we have a reading time after collective worship. During this time, myself and Mrs Swift are hearing children read and changing the children’s books.

Library books

Sunshine class have a book loan service from our library. They can sign out to borrow a book for a week, and then sign the loan book to show they have returned it. Please take care with these books. These books are chosen at the children’s choice and they are not linked to their reading ability. As you can see, reading is actively encouraged ranging from comic books to non-fiction books.

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