Chartwells supply school meals on the Island. They provide a variety of delicious, balanced meals.
As you are all aware, the cost of fuel, National Minimum Wage and food has all increased recently. With this in mind, we are advising you that the cost of a school meal will increase from £2.90 to £2.97 with effect from 4th September 2024.
Please remember that children in years R, 1 and 2 will still receive a free meal under the Universal Free School Meal scheme.
To apply for Free School Meals parents/guardians will have to apply via the Citizens Portal, this is linked directly to the DWP Eligibility Checking System. You will receive an immediate decision on your application, and if you are eligible they will notify school via email of all new eligible claims on a daily basis during term time.
The majority of parents/guardians should already have an account on the Citizens Portal, as this is the system used to apply for Early Years Funding and for making an application to start primary school/transfer to secondary school.
If you are unable to access online, you are able to submit a Free School Meals Application Form, but this will mean there will be a delay with the application process. Application for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium NL (USE)
The new system and link to this on the webpage can be accessed via
All menus will continue to provide children with a choice of nutritious and delicious meals, while complying with the Government’s nutritional guidelines, and catering for those with allergies.
Autumn Winter Menu 24-25 Nutrient Count
Everyday there is an option of a hot meal, vegetarian, jacket potato with choice of filling, tomato pasta or baguette (only Tuesdays and Thursdays) along with a pudding.
Water, salad, freshly baked bread, yoghurt & fresh fruit are available every day.
Please book and pay for school meals online at
Meals must be paid before the school day begins. Please enquire at the school office for log in details.
The food children eat in school is very important for their education. Not only does a well-balanced diet help with general health but establishing healthy eating habits at a young age can give them knowledge for the future.
Eating a well balanced diet helps with physical fitness and general good health, both in body and mind. By getting into the habit of eating healthily, we can avoid the risk of serious health problems for the future.

Please note, that if Chartwells do not receive a signed copy of the parent approval form from parents and/or are not notified of any discrepancies, we will proceed to offer the medical diet menu, in accordance with the request and supporting medical evidence, on the agreed start date.
As an alternative to school dinners, children may bring a pack lunch. In line with our “Healthy School” status we request that there are no sweets or ‘junk food’! The 5:1 ratio works well with 5 different healthy items to one treat. An award is given each week for making a healthy lunch choice; certificates are presented at our Collective Worship.
For a mid morning snack children are welcome to bring in a snack of fresh fruit / vegetable. This is provided each day free of charge up to Year 2.
As a healthy school, we follow the government guidelines of what constitutes as a healthy mid-morning. These are: Dried Fruit, Rice Cakes, Bread Sticks, Yogurts, Fruit, Healthy Cereal Bars (not chocolate or yogurt based).
If you would like your child to have a treat, such as a chocolate biscuit bar, please include this in their balanced lunchbox.
Do you know that we can save you money? How you may ask?
If your child is in year R, 1 or 2 and has a packed lunch every day, we can save you the cost of this. With prices rising everywhere, why not save money where you can?
Children in years R, 1 or 2 can enjoy a free school meal every day as part of the government incentive to get more children eating a hot meal at lunchtimes.
We have worked out that an average packed lunch may cost in the region of £1 per day per child, so……
£1 per day per child over the 39 school weeks equals £195 per school year. Please remember that this calculation is based on an average cost and only based on one child,
you could be saving even more by taking advantage of the free meal on offer.
You are able to select one day a week, two days a week or mix and match between sandwiches and dinners, the choice is yours!
Please speak to the school office if your child has specific catering requirements or if you would like further information.
Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive a Universal Free School Meal. However this is not to be confused with the Pupil Premium entitlement that children of low income families are entitled to.
Are you aware that if you are eligible to receive ‘free school meals’ your successful application will entitle you to receive discounts from a wide range of school activities i.e. clubs, trips and music lessons.
If you receive one of the state benefits set out below you could help raise AN EXTRA £1345 PUPIL PREMIUM FUNDING PER YEAR FOR OUR SCHOOL.
You could be helping us to fund valuable support including extra tuition, additional teaching staff or additional school activities as well as having the option to have free school meals.
If you are in receipt of any of the following benefits, you may be entitled to Free School Meals:
Income support. (IS)
Income based’ jobseeker’s allowance. (IBJSA)
Income related employment and support allowance. (IRESA)
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
Child tax credit (provided you do not receive working tax credit and have an annual income, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, that does not currently exceed £16,190).
Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax
Universal Credit.
To apply for Free School Meals parents/guardians will have to apply via the Citizens Portal, this is linked directly to the DWP Eligibility Checking System. You will receive an immediate decision on your application, and if you are eligible they will notify school via email of all new eligible claims on a daily basis during term time.
The majority of parents/guardians should already have an account on the Citizens Portal, as this is the system used to apply for Early Years Funding and for making an application to start primary school/transfer to secondary school.
If you are unable to access online, you are able to submit a Free School Meals Application Form, but this will mean there w
ill be a delay with the application process. Application for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium NL (USE)
The new system and link to this on the webpage can be accessed via
The facts…..
· All you have to do is complete a simple online form
· This additional funding comes directly from central government, there is NO additional administration or exchange of money from you
· Your child will be eligible for a free school meal whilst you are claiming one of these benefits
· Please still apply even if your child is in years R, 1 or 2 (currently receiving Universal Free School
Meal) or if your child would prefer a daily or occasional packed lunch
· The additional funding stays with your child for 6 years even if during this time you are no longer
eligible to claim one of the benefits
· Even if you only claim one of these benefits for a very short time, please still apply.
· This means the school will receive this extra funding for 6 years or for the remainder of your child’s
time with us
· All information is kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL
· These is NO stigma attached to it
· Other children or parents will NOT know if your child receives this funding
We hope we have encouraged all of our eligible families to apply for this incredibly valuable funding which if not claimed goes to waste.

Milk is supplied by Cool Milk at School Ltd. You can register online School Code No 6036 or complete and return a form available from the school office. Children under 5 years of age will be entitled to free school milk.