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Medicine and Health


Many staff hold first aid qualifications, and there is always an identified first aider on the premises.  If a child is taken ill during school hours we may contact a parent/carer.  Please do keep us informed of any changes to your contact numbers.  If your child has a chronic health condition, please discuss this with the School Administrator.

Unfortunately we are unable to administer medicines unless they have been prescribed by a doctor. If your child needs medication during the school day a medicine administration form must be completed by the parent/guardian and given in to the school before medication can be administered to the child. All medicines should be brought directly to the school office at the beginning of the day.

Parental agreement for school to administer medicine

If it important that the school is notified promptly if your child is absent from school due to illness. On return to school a letter or email must be sent to the school explaining the reason for absence.

Medical Appointments

Where possible can you please inform the office in advance of any doctor or dental appointments. A copy of the appointment card or letter will also be required to enable us to enter the correct code on our registers.

*MMR Vaccine and Measles Update*

You will have seen the news regarding the rise in cases of measles in London and the large outbreaks in the West Midlands.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has now declared a national incident in order to focus actions to limit the spread.
Further outbreaks of measles will spread to other towns and cities unless urgent action is taken to increase Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination uptake in areas at greatest risk.
Children who get measles can be very poorly and some will suffer life changing complications.

Strep A, Scarlet Fever & Flu update

You may be aware of news in the media regarding Group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacterial infections ‘Strep A, Scarlet Fever and Flu among children. There is a higher number of these infections than is normally seen at this time of year. We are sending out this communication to provide further information on this national situation and guidance on the actions you can take to help reduce the spread of these infections.


Flu Immunisation Leaflet

Useful Links

Please see below some useful links to Medical and Health information:

School Nursing Team

If young people have a health worry you can call or email school nurses directly via their duty desk.
The NHS 0-19 Public health team including Health Visitors and School nurses are available via their duty desk: Tel: 01983 821388


Facebook page 

They recommend that parents and young people have a look at these websites for general health advice. 

The School Nursing Team is now able to offer a programme to advise and support any family/child who feel they need to make changes for a healthier lifestyle.  The programme runs for 12 weeks and would involve regular contact by telephone and meetings.

If you are interested please contact your School Nurse on 01983 821388 to see if this programme could help your family.

How Long?

How long should you child stay away from school if he or she is ill?

Complaint Period to stay away
Chickenpox 5   days from onset of rash
German   measles 6   days from onset of rash
Measles 4   days from onset of rash
Mumps 5   days from onset of swollen glands
Whooping   cough 5   days from commencing antibiotic treatment
Gastro-enteritis Until   well and free of symptoms –  stay away   for 48 hours after becoming free of symptoms

It is important that we are notified in the case of an infectious illness.  We also request you to keep us up to date with your phone numbers, so that we can contact you in cases of sickness or accident.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Feeling sick and then vomiting is usually the first sign that your child has a ‘tummy bug’. Gastroenteritis is unpleasant and can spread very easily. It’s not always possible to avoid getting gastroenteritis, but following the advice below can help stop it spreading:

  • Stay off work, school or nursery until at least 48 hours after the symptoms have passed. You or your child should also avoid visiting anyone in hospital during this time.
  • Ensure you and your child wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, particularly after using the toilet and before preparing food. Don’t rely on alcohol hand gels, as they’re not always effective.
  • Disinfect any surfaces or objects that could be contaminated. It’s best to use a bleach-based household cleaner.
  • Wash contaminated items of clothing or bedding separately on a hot wash.
  •  Don’t share towels, flannels, cutlery or utensils while you or your child is ill.
  • Flush away any poo or vomit in the toilet or potty and clean the surrounding area.

Should your child become unwell with diarrhoea and/or vomiting, try to avoid going to your GP, as the virus can spread to others very easily. Call NHS 111, your GP or a Pharmacy if you’re concerned or need any advice.

Avoiding dehydration is important – give your baby/child extra fluids. Vomiting tends to last for 1-2 days, and diarrhoea tends to last for about 5 days.

Other useful information

For online advice see

Click to download – 

Diarrhoea & Vomiting Information

Every Day Matters

Healthier Together – should your child go to school today

Measels Information Sheet

Head Lice

If you discover that your child has head lice, please seek medical help from the pharmacist or your GP.

It is also important for you to inform the school office or class teacher if you find your child has head lice so we can reduce the risk of it spreading.

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